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The Role of Small Pelagic Fish in Diverse Ecosystems: Knowledge Gleaned From Food-Web Models

December 01, 2024

Food-web models represent a synthesis of knowledge of these dependencies and are a platform for evaluating the consequences of change in small pelagic fish productivity.

Small pelagic fish (SPF) are important forage species and a target of major fisheries within diverse ecosystems. SPF are a critical link between plankton and higher trophic levels. Understanding the network of dependencies among species and fisheries supported by SPF is required for effective resource management and assessment of risks posed by environmental and anthropogenic stressors. 

Ruzicka J, Chiaverano L, Coll M, Garrido S Tam J,Murase H, Robinson K, Romagnoni G, Shannon L, Silva A, Szalaj D, Watari S 2025. The role of small pelagic fish in diverse ecosystems: knowledge gleaned from food-web models Mar Ecol Prog Ser: SPF2av9. Contribution to the Theme Section `Small pelagic fish: new research frontiers?.

Last updated by Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center on 05/15/2024

Pelagic Fish