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12 resources match your filter criteria.

Click Detection Rate Variability of Central North Pacific Sperm Whales From Passive Acoustic Towed Arrays

Understanding the factors affecting their click rates provides important information for acoustic density estimation.
April 01, 2024 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Population Consequences of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Pelagic Cetaceans

We quantified population consequences for pelagic cetaceans, including sperm whales, beaked whales, and 11 species of delphinids.
December 11, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

In Search of Atlantic Northern Shrimp

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Biological science technician Zach Fyke takes us on a journey to the Gulf of Maine where scientists continue their search for a locally iconic and celebrated crustacean.
September 28, 2023 - Survey ,
Seven scientists stand in front of a research vessel’s wheelhouse near the bow while at sea. Some are wearing orange foul weather pants, baseball hats, t-shirts, and sunglasses. The sea is calm and there is a light layer of fog in the background hovering above the water. The sky is blue and there are a few white, wispy clouds.

Examining Distribution Patterns of Foraging and Non-Foraging Sperm Whales in Hawaiian Waters Using Visual and Passive Acoustic Data

Further understanding the distribution patterns of sperm whale populations in Hawaiʻi and contributing methods for building species distribution models.
October 07, 2022 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

EcoFOCI Cruise - Post 4

EcoFOCI's Spring Mooring Cruise

EcoFOCI’s spring mooring cruise departed Dutch Harbor on May 10. This annual survey provides baseline fisheries & oceanographic data to support ongoing management of our nation's fisheries and marine life in the Bering Sea & rapidly changing U.S. Arctic.
June 15, 2022 - Research ,
A sonobuoy is deployed over the port rail. Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Model-Based Localization for Deep-Diving Cetaceans Using Towed Line Array Acoustic Data

A model-based localization approach is applied to account for errors not typically accounted for by the standard method of passive acoustic monitoring when conducting line-transect cetacean abundance surveys.
August 12, 2021 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Passive Acoustic Cetacean Map

This mapping tool shows when and where specific whale, dolphin, and other cetacean species were acoustically detected in the North Atlantic Ocean.
June 03, 2021 - Query Tool ,
This illustration shows the variety of technologies that NOAA Fisheries researchers use to record underwater sounds and study marine animals. The seascape shows bottom- mounted and drifting acoustic recorders, underwater autonomous vehicles, Atlantic cod and humpback whale with tags, and instruments deployed from a NOAA ship and small boat. Colored circles show a zoomed-in view of the instruments and indicate the type of data collected: green for real-time data, orange for archival data, and blue for active

Recovery Action Database

Tracks the implementation of recovery actions from Endangered Species Act (ESA) recovery plans.
February 10, 2020 - Database ,
RAD image.JPG

Other Southeast Gillnet Waters

This dataset depicts the boundaries of the Other Southeast Gillnet Waters.
October 12, 2019 - Map ,

Geographic and Temporal Patterns in the Acoustic Detection of Sperm Whales

This 2005-2013 study confirms the broad distribution of sperm whales across the North Pacific and highlights subtle temporal patterns in their acoustic activity, which may be related to shifts in animal behavior or movement. 
June 27, 2019 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,