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All Protected Resources Regulations & Actions

Atlantic Pelagic Longline Take Reduction Plan to Protect Pilot Whales and Risso's Dolphins

NOAA Fisheries announces pelagic longline fishery has a high level of mortality and serious injury across a number of marine mammal stocks, especially pilot whales and Risso's dolphins.

Listing North Atlantic Right Whale Under the ESA

We, NMFS, completed a status review of right whales in the North Pacific and North Atlantic Oceans under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in December 2006 and are listing the currently endangered northern right whale (Eubalaena spp.) as two separate,

Notice of a 90-day Finding On Petition to List Global Populations of Right Whales

Notice of a 90-day finding regarding a petition to list the global populations of right whales with the common name Black Whale as a single species under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). After review, we find the petition does not pre

Regulations to protect Sea Turtles from the Virginia Pound Net Fishery

NMFS is requiring that any offshore pound net leader in the Virginia waters of the mainstem Chesapeake Bay, south of 37°19.0′ N. lat. and west of 76°13.0′ W. long., and all waters south of 37°13.0′ N. lat. to the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel at t

Virginia and North Carolina Large Mesh Gillnet Final Rule

The purpose of this action is to reduce the impact of large-mesh gillnet fisheries on endangered and threatened species of sea turtles, primarily the monkfish fishery which uses large-mesh gillnet gear and operates in the area when sea turtles are present

Recovery Plan for North Atlantic Right Whale

NMFS announces the availability of the final revision of the recovery plan for the western North Atlantic right whale, Eubalaena glacialis, as required by the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA).

Atlantic Highly Migratory Species Pelagic Longline Final Rule

This final rule implements new sea turtle bycatch and bycatch mortality mitigation measures for all Atlantic vessels that have pelagic longline (PLL) gear onboard and that have been issued, or are required to have, Federal HMS limited access permits, cons

Summer Flounder Trawling Requirements

To protect sea turtles, summer flounder trawlers in waters off Virginia (south of Cape Charles) and North Carolina must use an approved Turtle Excluder Device (TED) installed in a TED extension (a cylinder of webbing in which the TED is installed), constr

Sea Turtle Handling and Resuscitation Requirements

Any sea turtle taken incidentally during the course of fishing or scientific research activities must be handled with due care to prevent injury, observed for activity, resuscitated if comatose or inactive, and returned to the water according to the proce