Refine Results
Management Area
Regulatory Action Status
Species Category


IB 15-68: Incidental Take Limits Revised for the Endangered Short-Tailed Albatross in the Alaska Groundfish Fisheries

Notice of a revision to take limits for the short-tailed albatross.
December 23, 2015 -

IB 20-26: NMFS Reports a Vessel-Strike Mortality Event of 22 Spectacled Eiders in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands

Notice of a vessel-strike mortality event for the spectacled eider in the Bering Sea.
March 26, 2020 -

IB 20-32: NMFS Reports a Vessel-Strike Mortality of an Alaska-Breeding Population Steller's Eider in the BSAI

Notice of vessel-strike mortality of a Steller's eider in the Bering Sea.
April 13, 2020 -

IB 20-80: NOAA Fisheries Reports Take of a Second Short-tailed Albatross in the BSAI

Notice of a short-tailed albatross take in the Bering Sea
October 30, 2020 -

NOAA Fisheries Announces a Delay in the Effective Date for the Final Rule to Require Turtle Excluder Device Use for all Skimmer Trawl Vessels 40 Feet and Greater in Length

FB21-020: Southeast Fishery Bulletin; For more information, contact: Jennifer Lee, 727-824-5312,
March 30, 2021 -