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169 resources match your filter criteria.

A Trans-Pacific Movement Reveals Regular Migrations of Humpback Whales Megaptera novaeangliae Between Russia and Mexico

Data demonstrating regular trans-Pacific movements of humpback whales in the North Pacific, highlighting the importance of Mexico for the species ocean-basin-wide.
September 28, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Geographic Distribution of the Cross Seamount Beaked Whale Based on Acoustic Detections

The foraging behavior of Cross Seamount beaked whales appears to be unique among all beaked whales.
August 08, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Identifying Social Clusters of Endangered Main Hawaiian Islands False Killer Whales

In this study, we used photo-identification data over a 23 year period to reassess the number and membership of social clusters for false killer whales.
August 05, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Kinematics and Energetics of Foraging Behavior in Rice’s Whales of the Gulf of Mexico

The paper discusses feeding behavior of two Rice's whales with suction cup tags attached.
June 30, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Passive Acoustic Research at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center

The Passive Acoustic Ecology Program conducts a variety of research projects that use passive acoustics to assess populations and improve our understanding of cetaceans in the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. waters of the Western Atlantic.

Passive Acoustic Technologies Used at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center

Researchers use advanced technology to record and study the sounds produced by marine mammals and human-made sources.

Geographic Differences in Blainville’s Beaked Whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) Echolocation Clicks

We use acoustic recordings collected over broad time and space scales to investigate whether global variability in echolocation frequency could make clear population structure in Blainville's beaked whale.
April 01, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Vocal Behavior of False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens) Acoustic Subgroups

Better understanding of the vocal behavior of cetaceans in the name of developing automated passive acoustic cetacean tracking, localization, and classification techniques.
March 15, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,

Retrospective analysis of measures to reduce large whale entanglements in a lucrative commercial fishery

Marine mammal bycatch is a significant anthropogenic threat to recovering populations. Gear reduction in Washington (USA) crab fishery decreased entanglement risk to whales.
January 30, 2023 - Peer-Reviewed Research ,